Injury Prevention and Recovery: Stewart Skloss’ Effective Strategies

People take up running to stay active and healthy, but an injury can easily derail the best-laid plans. As physical trainer Stewart Skloss explains, there are many common injuries that runners suffer, yet there are ways that you can help prevent them from happening in the first as well as strategies you can take to recover if you suffer one.

“Like all physical exercise, running isn’t without the risk of injury,” Stewart Skloss said. “But, proper preparation can help you prevent some of the most common injuries that can occur while running.”

Below are some effective strategies for avoiding injuries while running, and recovering if you suffer one.

Make a Plan

No matter whether you’re new to running or an experienced pro, it’s important to make a plan for your running regimen. What this will do is allow you to sketch out a path to reaching your running goals without being too harsh on your body.

A big part of this plan should be a gradual progress in both the distance you run and the intensity at which you run. Start at a walk, progress to a jog and then work your way up to running if you’re new to it, for instance.

When you’re making your plan, also try to increase the distance you run and the speed at which you run independently of each other. In other words, don’t start running longer and faster simultaneously. That can easily lead to injury.

Pay Attention to Pain Signals

Everyone will experience some aches and soreness when they run or after they do so. Understanding the difference between general everyday soreness and actual pain is key to preventing a major injury.

As you build up your running regimen, you’re naturally going to experience some discomfort and soreness. That’s OK, as long as you properly tend to your body — more on that in a bit.

Pain is much different, though. Any sharp or stabbing feeling in your body should be considered a pain and treated as such. Even if you experience this only every once in a while, or if it’s not too intense, take a break from running, and see a doctor if you don’t see an improvement in a week or so.

Pushing through discomfort is OK at times. If you try to push through pain, you’re liable to cause greater injury.

Train Your Whole Body

One of the most effective ways at preventing injury while running is by training your whole body. Integrate some strength training and build up your core with other exercises.

Doing so will help to give your body the strong support that it needs to endure the rigors of running. It will ultimately make you less susceptible to suffering an injury in the first place, and could even cut down your recovery time if you do suffer an injury.

Help Your Body Recover

A lot of the focus on injury prevention is on what you do while you’re working out. But, Stewart Skloss says dedicating the proper time to allowing your body to recover post-workout is equally as important.

When you have sore or tight muscles, simple home remedies including over-the-counter pain relievers, massages, pain relief creams, or even heat and ice can help your body recover.

Also make sure to pay attention to what you’re putting into your body. A healthy, balanced diet is key to preventing injury and recovering from injury, as is ensuring you are always well hydrated.

About Stewart Skloss

Stewart Skloss, a passionate physical trainer from Austin who specializes in running, empowers clients to achieve their fitness goals and reach new heights. Though long retired from racing, Skloss uses his expertise to benefit top contenders in various endurance events. Stewart’s welcoming coaching style and dedication to his clients have earned him widespread admiration in the fitness community. Join him for a free run and experience his inspiring guidance firsthand.